Lily Lux Bouquet


IMPORTANT: We endeavour to deliver lilies with as many tightly closed buds as possible so the recipient benefits from maximum flower longevity. The pictured bouquet indicates what these flowers look like when the buds open.

*Premium Size Flowers Pictured*
There may be some variation of floral varieties and colour tones based on seasonal availability


These heavenly scented flowers are a beautiful choice for any special occasion. Arriving in bud form they are sure to impress your recipient as they open in a spectacular fashion. Perfect as a birthday gift, as a thoughtful romantic gesture, or indeed on any occasion when you’d like to let a special someone know just how much you care. These wonderfully fragrant flowers come expertly arranged in an elegant glass vase – a keepsake which will act as a reminder of your gorgeous gift for time to come.

They last wonderfully well as a cut flower too, making them a particularly great value bunch of flowers!

IMPORTANT: We endeavour to deliver lilies with as many tightly closed buds as possible so the recipient benefits from maximum flower longevity. The pictured bouquet indicates what these flowers look like when the buds open.

Additional information


Pink, White, Mixed


Standard, Premium, Delux, Grande


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